Below is one of the items that wound up on the cutting room floor because of space considerations as I prepared the manuscript of "The Petersburg Regiment in the Civil War, A History of the 12th Virginia Infantry from John Brown's Hanging to Appomattox" for publication. Last I heard it's due out next January.
GLOSSARY: The World of the 12th Virginia Infantry
The Petersburg Regiment The 12th
Virginia Infantry
A Saratoga Trunk Regiment The 12th Virginia
The Cockade City Petersburg
The Herrings (Second Company H) The
Meherrin Grays
The Kid Glove Boys The
Mahone-Weisiger Brigade
Lee’s Regulars The
Mahone-Weisiger Brigade
The Turkeys The
Florida Brigade (1863)
The Gophers The
Florida Brigade (1865)
The Norfolk Division The
Huger-Anderson-Mahone Division
Mahone Men The
Huger-Anderson-Mahone Division
Mahone’s Beauties The
Huger-Anderson-Mahone Division
(Old) Porte General
Bomb-Proof Safe
The Old Rag The
Regimental Flag
The Gridiron The
Federal Flag
Raghouse Tent
The Blockade The
Provost Guard
Run The Blockade Go
Absent Without Leave
Take French Leave Go
Absent Without Leave
The Rapid Ann The
Rapidan River
“Soldiers’ Friends” Lice
“A Confederate Guard of Greybacks” Lice
“The Confederates” Lice