Monday, January 28, 2019

Letter, Theophilas Daniel to “my Dear wife,” April 3, 1862, Private Collection of John Horn

If I won the lottery, I would donate to one or more major repositories to digitalize as much of their collections as possible.  As it is, an enormous amount of material is available online, but much--particularly diaries, letters and memoirs--remains to be published.  I haven't won the lottery, but I'm doing my bit.  Here is a letter from Theophilas Daniel of the 12th Virginia Infantry's Company F to his wife, April 3, 1862, from my very modest private collection. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Change of Plans: My Talk to San Diego CWRT Will Now Be on April 17

The Marine Corps extended my son's deployment.  The San Diego Civil War Round Table and it's April speaker were kind enough to accommodate me.  I'll be talking there April 17 instead of March 20.  Thanks, San Diego CWRT!  Thanks Renee at Savas Beatie for arranging this!