Saturday, September 10, 2016

A preview of "The Petersburg Regiment, 12th Virginia Infantry:" Federals faced by 12th Virginia Infantry and Mahone's Brigade

A preview from The Petersburg Regiment, 12th Virginia Infantry, Copyright John Horn 2016:

Table 7:  The Petersburg Regiment Compared with Some Foes[1]

            Sometimes, despite the confusion of battle (particularly in woods), it is possible to identify the particular enemy regiment or regiments opposing the 12th Virginia or a portion thereof in a given fight.  The Petersburg Regiment compared very favorably with the average Union regiment, which lost about five percent.  It often met some of the best regiments in the Federal army, yet compared favorably with some of them as well.
Regiment                                                         Killed or Died of        Percentage
(Foe of 12th Virginia at)                                 Wounds during War    Lost during War
5th New Hampshire                                        295*                            11.8%*[2]
 (Seven Pines, June 1, 1862)              

20th Indiana                                                    201*                            14.3%*
87th New York                                                 29                                2.8%
(King’s School House, June 25, 1862)

1st United States Sharpshooters                     153*                            10.9%*
(Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862)

18th New York                                                 39                                3.5%
31st New York                                                  71                                7.6%
95th Pennsylvania                                           182*                              9.2%
(Crampton’s Gap, September 14, 1862)        

8th Pennsylvania Cavalry                                 60
(Chancellorsville, April 30-May 1, 1863)

1st Delaware                                                   158*                              7.6%
12th New Jersey                                              177*                              9.5%
106th Pennsylvania                                         104                                9.7%
(Gettysburg, July 2, 1863)                 

140th Pennsylvania                                         198*                            17.4%*
(Bradshaw’s Farm, May 8, 1864)      

51st Pennsylvania#                                         177*                              8.6%
(Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864)

1st Vermont Heavy Artillery                          164*                              7.1%
62nd New York                                                98
(Gurley House, June 23, 1864)                      

Regiment                                                         Killed or Died of        Percentage
(Foe of 12th Virginia at)                                 Wounds during War    Lost during War
14th New York Heavy Artillery                     226*                              9.0%
(Globe Tavern, August 19, 1864)

155th New York                                             115                              13.8%*[3]
170th New York                                             129                              12.8%*
(Second Reams Station, August 25, 1864)

63rd Pennsylvania#                                         186*                            13.8%*
105th Pennsylvania+                                       245*                            12.2%*
(Burgess Mill, October 27, 1864)

12th Virginia                                                  159*                            10.3%*

Average Union Regiment                                                                     5.0%

* Meets criterion for inclusion in Fox’s Fighting 300 Regiments (130 or 10% killed or died of wounds).
# Lost a flag to the 12th Virginia that day.
+ Lost two flags to the 12th Virginia that day.

[1] My figures come from Fox, Regimental Losses; Samuel P. Bates,  History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5, Prepared in Compliance with Acts of the Legislature (5 Volumes) (Harrisburg, 1869); and Frederick Phisterer, New York in the War of the Rebellion (5 Volumes) (Albany, 1912).
[2] Adjusted by Fox to 17.9%. 
[3] Despite the percentage loss, Fox did not include the 155th among his Fighting 300 Regiments.  

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