Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Really Helpful Website for Research

Here's a link to a really helpful website for research on the Civil War: Civil War Diaries  This website currently has 1,022 diaries available for downloading.  Googling the diaries you use will usually be necessary to find out if there is also a repository to credit.  Deciphering the handwriting is also up to you.

I drew on this website for research on my current project about Grant's Second Offensive at Petersburg, particularly about June 22, 1864.  The diaries I found at the website included those from

Barlow's division
John L. Ryno, 126th New York
William M. Horton, 26th Michigan

Gibbon's division
Charles H. Peterson, 12th New Jersey
Charles Rubright, 106th Pennsylvania (this is also at Auburn University)
Myron Owen, 8th New York Heavy Artillery
Wilbur Huntington Proctor, 10th New York

Mott's division
Benjamin M. Peck, 141st Pennsylvania
Jacob Lyons, 120th New York

Wilcox's division
W. A. Mauney, 28th North Carolina
W. D. Alexander, 37th North Carolina

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