Sunday, April 4, 2021

National Treasures: Beyond the Crater/Siege of Petersburg Online and The Petersburg Project

There are a couple of spectacular websites on the fighting around Petersburg in 1864-1865.  In my opinion, both qualify as national treasures.  Click on the following links to have a look at them.  They are Beyond the Crater/Siege of Petersburg Online and The Petersburg Project.  

Brett Schulte runs Beyond the Crater.  Dr. Phil Shiman, David Lowe (editor of Meade's Army:Private Notebooks of Lt. Col. Theodore Lyman) and Julia Steele operate The Petersburg Project.

To say that these websites contain maps, orders of battle, book reviews, photographs, drawings, articles, papers and presentations is to understate matters.  I'm using them consistently as I write about Grant's second offensive at Petersburg, June 20-July 1, 1864.  I used Meade's Army extensively as well.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Horn. I just purchased your book on the Weldon Railroad. My ancestor was wounded on the afternoon of August 14, 1864 at Deep Bottom II and we have his letters and a nice Regimental History. I look forward to reading more about that day and what followed.

    I practiced law in Chicago for many years but now make my home in Maryland and have been able to visit the sites you talk about in this book. Very moving.

    David Warner, Annapolis, MD
