General Beauregard reportedly grew up as Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard. As a young man at West Point, he altered that to Gustave Toutant Beauregard. For the rest of his life, he signed himself “G. T. Beauregard.” He appears as G. T. Beauregard in the Official Records. He authored his many publications as G. T. Beauregard. His friends called him “Gus.”
General Grant reportedly grew up as Hiram Ulysses Grant. His political sponsor mistakenly signed Grant in at West Point as Ulysses Simpson Grant. For the rest of his life, he signed himself “U. S. Grant.” He appears as U. S. Grant in the Official Records. He authored his publications as U. S. Grant. His friends called him “Sam.”
Hiram disappeared as completely in Grant’s case as did Pierre in Beauregard’s case. Why should Beauregard be treated any differently than Grant. Both were great generals. Each defeated the other once. Grant defeated Beauregard at Shiloh (April 6-7, 1862). Beauregard defeated Grant at Petersburg (June 15-18, 1864).
who tolerate “U. S. Grant” should tolerate “G. T. Beauregard” as well.
Give "Gus" his due!
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